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Dates Task Description
March 8th at 16:30 UTC - March 9th at 08:00 UTC First Teleconference With Area Chairs Teleconference between Area Chairs and Program Chairs to discuss the review process and reviewing criteria
March 10 Paper Assignment to Area Chairs Papers are assigned to Area Chairs based on declared conflicts, relevance (subject area match), and TPMS scores while maintaining a global load balance
March 11 - 17 Reviewer Suggestions Area Chairs suggest 9 to 15 reviewers to each of their assigned papers
March 15, 16:30 UTC and March 16, 08:00 UTC Review tutorial for Reviewers Teleconference between reviewers and Program Chairs to discuss the review process and reviewing criteria
March 19 - 25 Paper Bidding Reviewers bid for the papers suggested to them (options: Eager to review, Willing, In a Pinch, Not Willing)
March 29 - April 20 Paper-Reviewer Assignment Papers are assigned to Reviewers based on declared conflicts, Reviewer's bid, relevance, TPMS scores, and Area Chair's suggestion while maintaining a global load balance
March 29 - April 20 Paper Review Period Reviewers perform paper review
March 29 - 31 Reviewer Confirmation Reviewers need to confirm willingness to review for each paper
April 1 Paper-Reviewer Re-assignment A small number of papers is re-assigned based on reviewer's response
April 21 - May 7 Meta-Review Area Chairs, perform meta-review on assigned papers, score review quality, and provide initial recommendation
May 14 Release of Early Notification Based on Area Chair's recommendation, Program Chairs decide on early acceptance/rejection and notify authors. Area Chairs have to follow the guidelines set by the Program Chairs to make their recommendations. Those papers without early recommendation enter the rebuttal phase
May 14 - 21 Rebuttal and Phase Authors invited to submit rebuttal have one week to address reviewers' comments.
May 22 - June 4 Scoring of Rebuttal Papers Two additional Area Chairs will be assigned to each paper. Area Chairs perform final meta-review on rebuttal papers and provide final recommendation
TBD - Week 23-24 Final Teleconference Area Chairs and Program Chairs discuss the overall program and the paper selection process
June 11 Final Notification Based on Area Chairs' recommendation, Program Chairs will make final decision about the paper acceptance and final announcement is made